Managing Change in a nine-year cycle!
Change is always here - numerically we are in the midst-point of a 9-year cycle. This cycle focuses on overcoming conflicts from the past, sorting out kinships and friendships, especially when it comes to trust and reliability.The next four years will have more pronounced sense of urgency. This is the boat we are all in - yet each one of us will have its own experience and evolution based on our own individual numeric chart and its timing.
The Numeric omens of 2024 are opening the fields of intuition and truth, family and community compatibility by large, all to expose any hidden unknown or distorted reality. Many opinions are already floating around, and the challenge is to sort them out among the collective noise. What is truthful and correct? What can be trusted? More specifically which words and values we as a collective, can align with. Words will matter a great deal in forming a reality that is truthful in the coming year.
Change is occurring every moment and can be managed either as an opportunity or as a hurdle and a threat. If we know the edges of our truth, we can start to create the change each one of us is committed to. Have you ever asked yourself what kind of memory would you like to leave behind? – This kind of visioning will give you some traces of truthfulness, some parameters and framework to explore and navigate through. These ideals and ideas will provide change right now to make that 'message' from the future a reality.

A snapshot from the future - what we desire to experience and create (two years, ten, or twenty years from now) will require some new practices and routines. Small measurable goals will set the course of steady change of ourselves, our environments and communities. What would you like for yourself (for example) a year from now and what are the miles stones you are willing to take on, moving toward that reality in the future, right now.
Here are 3 steps to gain clarity amid shifting sands:
1. finding what is important to you right now!
2. Finding what is in the way? Fear? Holding into past based assumptions and fantasies? Or something els?
3. Innovation and action – committing to your desired outcome, forming (maybe) 3 milestones you would like to achieve in the coming year.
If you are longing to step into change itself and your own growth, expanding relationships (making them real and better), increasing wellness and boosting your value/performance, please join our next round of Freewill positive change 7-week foundation – starting 2/24.
Feel free to schedule a 20 minute couching sample - schedule here