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June's Closure - Be Real

The 26th week is transformative, and full of surprises: under it's 13 vibrations it will activate the power of our words and thoughts. Positivity in our awareness will set many unexpected gifts and wonderful manifestations at this point in time!

However if it turns to be that we are judgmental and critical - great perils will come up as high walls of resistance and disappointment will be present. Make sure to be clear and direct, be honest with yourself and others, and voice your expectations (vs. keep them hidden) in an assertive calm manner. Be real of acknowledging gifts even in challenging situations, especially in the many forms of relationships - like family dynamics, love and business partnerships, parenting and more. This week will reveal any illusion in that domain - so please don't react to a sudden understanding that was not clear to you in the past.

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This mental fitness boot camp combines weekly video sessions with daily app-guided practices, plus weekly in person coaching session to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles. Learn to intercept and discredit your saboteurs, boost your sage muscle, and improve your self-command muscle. As a Purpose Coach, this program can be a foundational step in your coaching process. Get 25% off through July 5th, and start your journey to mental fitness. Starts Saturday July 15!



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