Bruce Lee: Chart of the month
11.27.1940 - Bruce Lee, a larger than life - Martial arts master, pop icon.
Was a Hong Kong American actor, director, martial artist, martial arts teacher and philosopher. He was the founder of Jeet Kune Do, a hybrid martial arts philosophy drawing from different combat disciplines that is often credited with paving the way for modern mixed martial arts. Lee is considered by critics, media, and other martial artists to be the most influential martial artist of all time and a culture icon of the 20th century, who bridged the gap between East and West. He is credited with helping to change the way Asians were presented in American films.

The Basics five positions for Bruce Lee Numerology Chart
9 4
_____ _____ 7
11 5
Soul position of 9
means: High ideals, very sensitive with intensity of emotions. Reactive behavior and instincts (which fueled some of Lees physicality). Lee was quite a psychic, and that ability was challenging to self and others. The ongoing challenge for Lee was to distinguish between their own thoughts and emotions and others. The outlet of martial arts was perfect for lees soul – channeling reactiveness to the subtle ways of Kong Fu and temper reactiveness into a mastery.
Mastery position (karma) of 11
Lee had to master the depth of spiritual focus - rather than swaying between disciplines. He had to learn how to overcome and master insecurity and lack of confidence. By aligning with spirit and inspiration he became in relatively short time highly successful. Through Lee’s devotion (in a traditional manner) inner knowing he learned how to create a clear strategy to his personal fulfillment. Being focused and eliminating self doubt Lee took his own mastery and have created a way (through his movies) to create an opening and inspiration for many.
Gift vibration of 4 - amplified by 0 (the last two digits of the year) 4+0=4 - gave Lee the power to build his vision methodically step by step, while serving many. In a short time, he created a strategy, a method and structure to ignite a whole new industry that gave an voice to a new genre. The qualities of being steady, dependable and trustworthy provided many collaborations for Lee. That gift has provided him with the ability to create a ‘language’ that is clear around his craft.
Knowledge (past lives) of 5 (coming out of the significant number of 14) It defines a person as natural storyteller in a roll of a teacher or communicator for many lifetimes - in a position of a “change maker’ (archetype of the rebel). Ability to endure physical challenges, with a good health constitution. These 5s (like Lee) carry the quality of a catalyst for freedom and change for many (the freedom fighter). the themes of freedom fighter and fighting for “good” can be seen as an ongoing thread through Lee’s Films.
The Path position for “Lee” is seeker's path, bringing forth philosophical vision to uplift
and inspire others. It is a loner's path of 7.
A path of 7 will lead individuals to use their intellect and spirit to inspire and elevate others. An inspirational leader, a philosopher. Lee in his own way was a spiritual seeker and teacher. A path of 7 can lead someone away from the world, into isolation. It can be a researcher in a lab, a priest in a monastery, a philosopher or writer. Lee was a storyteller, martial art expert and a visionary who wanted to inspire many through his craft - he had to go into his own solitude as a seeker, to bring these inspirational powers out. His legacy is still rippling and effecting – the industry of martial art films.
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