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Numerology Class – Creating a natal chart in 7 weeks


This is the foundation – part I of a two parts certificate program:

This part will provide the understanding of the language and archetypes of numbers. How to form a numeric chart, and how to apply numberers to personality and character assessment. All to be able to provide a professional coaching using numerology in the areas of choice making, favorable career and vocation, specific communication tools, as well as fulfillment of ones destiny in the areas of relationships and life purpose.


The first part of the certificate program will provide practitioners with the fundamentals to conduct a chart-based reading. Modules of study include:


  • Numbers – History, the basic vocabulary and numbers progression.
  • The 11 Bodies of Consciousness - the building blocks of a numeric chart.
  • The basic positions of Numeric chart.
  • 'Significant Numbers' - extra insight into one’s destiny and fulfillment
  • 'Transformer Numbers' - The key to opportunity
  • Building a chart – the basics!


Logistics-Dates-Tuition-payment plan-registration: Early Bird Tuition 40% off


Wednesdays 6:15pm-7:15pm

Numerology I (7 week program)


Numerology II – timing and time cycles

Part II provides another layer of knowledge and application to ones professional ability as a numerologist. In this part we will apply additional layers to understand one’s motives and likely choices in the areas of career, money/health, social/relationship tendencies, and more. In this part participants will gain the knowledge of how to apply the science of timing, and time cycles in ones chart.


Modules of study include:


  • Building a chart additional configurations and applications
  • Time Cycles - the Universal and personal year!
  • Significant Numbers in time cycles - a 'game changer'
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily time cycles
  • Additional applications – for coaching with numbers
  • Final assignment: Going over Certificate questione


Wednesdays 6:15pm-7:15pm

Numerology Class – Creating a numeric chart in 7 weeks

$1,150.00 Regular Price
$920.00Sale Price
  • If paid in Full, as a 'Bundle’: Numerology I and II - $1155 (30% Off)

    1. NUMEROLOGY I - $660 (If Paid by 2/23)

    2. NUMEROLOGY II - $825

    3. 30% off if paid for both modules - 1155

    PAYMENT PLAN per module:

    Deposit for Bundle (N1+N2): $325.00

    Paid remainder in full (by 4TH module)

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